If you already have a Clock with the battery-backed RTC (Real Time Clock) module, you can easily upgrade it to use the WiFi time provider module.
This gives you all the advantages of the WiFi kit. You need to have firmware V44 or later to use this.
You set the WiFi provider once once, and it never needs setting again, ever! It also allows you to configure the clock using a browser.
This is an upgrade for all of the firmware for a Wifi clock, primarily intended for people who have an older Wifi module that uses the "time server". It is only the controllers, and does not come with the level shifter! (Classic Rev1-Rev5, All-In-One Rev1-Rev5).
This is an upgrade for all of the firmware for a Wifi clock, primarily intended for people who have an older Wifi module that uses the "time server". It is only the controllers, and does not come with the level shifter! (Classic Rev6, Modular Rev3).
This module substitutes the Real Time Clock (RTC) module for clocks without the on-board Wifi Module interface. (Classic Rev1-Rev4, All-In-One Rev1-Rev2).
This module substitutes the Real Time Clock (RTC) module for clocks with the on-board WiFi Module interface, and is suitable for clocks with V1 firmware (Classic Rev5, All-In-One Rev3).
This module substitutes the Real Time Clock (RTC) module for clocks with the on-board WiFi Module interface, and is suitable for clocks with V2 firmware (Modular Rev1-Rev3, Classic Rev6).
This is a replacement Atmega 328P-PU Controller, programmed with the latest firmware. Choose this if you have a Classic or All-In-One clock.
This is a replacement Atmega 328P-PU Controller, programmed with the latest firmware. Choose this if you have a Modular or Classic Rev6 clock.
An additional set of 6 IN-14 tube holder boards for the Modular Clock.
An additional set of 6 IN-8-2 tube holder boards for the Modular Clock. These boards are green.
An additional set of 6 Z570M/Z573M tube holder boards for the Modular Clock. These boards are green.
A programmer for boards with an ICSP (3x2 header) port.